Here are a couple of books I have scanned and OCR'ed and turned into ebooks:
East India Vade-Mecum
If you are a kiplomaniac or just interested in Anglo Indian history, then here is a manual from 1810 telling young Company recruits the ins and outs of India and the Indian service. It is written by Thomas Williamson and published in 1810. You can find it elsewhere on the net, but there you have to click from page to page and one of the pages are missing. I have not done much proof reading.
What the Butler Winked At.
If you are interested in Upstairs/downstairs or Edwardian romance or English social history, then this may be of interest. It was written by an English butler, Eric Horne, (almost certainly not his name) and published in 1923.
Rotten Judgment in Denmark
A few years ago a Danish daily - Jyllands-Posten - commissioned twelve Mohammed-cartoons. For those interested here is some background about this newspaper. Jyllands-Posten was not at all pro-Jew in 1933 when Hitler came into power. Nor were they in favor of Jews in the nineteen-twenties or i 1938 after the Kristallnacht. They now claim that most of their editorial staff were menbers of the Danish resistance during the German occupation of Denmark in the second world war. It is very strange that no one from Jyllands-Posten has written a book about the daring deeds of those gentlemen. Of course, any number of Danes entered the Resistance the last 3-4 months before Liberation.
Here is an account written in English from Salon about the affair. Here is a translation of relevant part of the speech which started the ball rolling. The relevant cabinet member was incidentially pro-apartheid in his youth.
These accounts are still of some interest because Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the then Danish prime minister, was very much involved, and he is now secretary general of NATO.
Internal links in a tekst don't work well in thia WIKI so here is a zipped htm file you can download and study.